Welcome to Xperience, your new community.

bowling together food drive collection fun night

Who are we?

We are a vibrant group of young adults that aim to foster a place of fellowship, growth, and fulfillment of purpose.


Who is this for?

Let’s face it, adulting is not always easy, especially if you are trying to do it on your own. If you are wanting a place to get solutions, a place to be discipled or a place to make new friends then this is for you!


When do we meet?

We meet every Saturday at 11 am cst. Our meetings are online and in person for anyone located in the DFW area. Each month, we try to host an event for those in our community, the details will be communicated to members via telegram.


How do I become part of the community?

Want to be a part of the community and get notified every time we meet? Or just want know what we are up to next? Join us on telegram

Join our group

Contact Us

If you need prayer, or have questions, let us know below and we will get back to you.

By Submitting, you agree to being contacted by Xperience Cell leaders.